“AWA benefits when WWE secures lucrative media rights agreements,” says Tony Khan.

“AWA benefits when WWE secures lucrative media rights agreements,” says Tony Khan.
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The All Elite Wrestling (AEW) showcase continues to impress in terms of its demographic appeal, specifically those within the ages of 18 to 49. Despite fluctuating viewership figures over time, it has steadily maintained its standing among the top 5 in cable programming on its airing days, usually only surpassed by high-profile sporting events.

Here at eWn, we’ve been tracking AEW’s ongoing contract renewal with Warner Bros. Discovery. The media rights deal between the two entities is set to conclude by the close of 2024, prompting an active negotiation for a fresh agreement.

AEW President, Tony Khan, offered insider insight regarding these ongoing talks as well as AEW’s commendable metrics on a recent episode of “Wrestling Observer Radio.”

Khan stated, “The most important key point is, for us, we’ve had historically strong numbers and maintained strong numbers in TV. That is the thing we need to do. Keep doing what we’re doing because the numbers that we have are numbers people at TV would kill to have. I really need to focus on doing good shows for AEW, not about what the competition is doing. In this case, our competitor going out ahead of us and getting good media rights deals was a positive for us and is good for us because we have good historical comps. These comps are favorable for us. I’ve done a ton of market research, retained top analysts and data scientists. Most TV shows would kill for our ratings and demos. In sports, we skew really young. It’s important to focus on that. I think it’s going to be a really good summer for us. We had really good growth through last summer too. Getting back to the best of what AEW does is important to me and historically, we’ve done a lot of that in the summer.”

It has been pointed out before by Khan that AEW is in a favorable position for a substantial renewal of its media rights with Warner Bros. Discovery.