Attorney Janel Grant reports a surge in phone calls from additional victims of McMahon.

Attorney Janel Grant reports a surge in phone calls from additional victims of McMahon.
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Janel Grant’s legal representatives have reportedly been receiving a rush of inquiries from people claiming to be other victims of Vince McMahon this week.

Grant has filed a lawsuit against McMahon, John Laurinaitis and WWE, claiming that McMahon subjected her to sexual misconduct and exploited her to other men within WWE.

Ann Callis, Grant’s lawyer, made a statement during a recent press conference, revealing that they have been on the receiving end of a significant number of calls from other individuals purporting to be victims of the former WWE Chairman.

Callis also elucidated the severe trauma endured by Janel — an “unimaginable level of abuse,” leading her to experience suicidal thoughts as a result of the alleged incidents. This has resulted in Grant being housebound for prolonged periods.

Callis confirmed that they have not yet watched the approaching Mr. McMahon docuseries to be aired on Netflix.

As to Grant’s absence in the six-part series, Callis emphasized that Grant is entitled to narrate her experiences in her own unique manner at an appropriate time.

On being queried whether WWE made any attempts to reach out to Grant, Callis acknowledged initial attempts but admitted there has been no recent contact.

Callis also explained Grant’s continued association with McMahon by highlighting that Janel felt coerced and believed she had no other feasible choices.

Grant had allegedly met with an adverse reaction from WWE staff, as per Callis’ assertions. On the other hand, McMahon’s associates have consistently refuted claims of any non-consensual activity involving Grant.