“At this moment, I personify Trick Williams, and he is set to assume global domination.”

“At this moment, I personify Trick Williams, and he is set to assume global domination.”
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In one of the recent episodes of his podcast “Hall of Fame,” Booker T, who is respected worldwide and is an honoree of the WWE Hall of Fame, had a hearty conversation about the growing aspirations of NXT Champion Trick Williams. He enthusiastically talked about Williams’s wish to collaborate with him in the team and much more.

Highlights from their animated discussion as featured in the podcast are listed as follows:

Regarding the enthusiasm of Trick Williams to join forces with him, Booker T touchingly exclaimed, “Trick mirrors my current state. He’s at his peak currently and is ready to set the stage ablaze. He’s all prepped up to rule the world. I am eager to watch this young talent in action. I don’t seek to contend with him, or anything even remotely similar. He is indeed the future of our industry. I’d rather step aside and be the one sitting beside him in the co-driver’s seat, guiding him towards the next milestones in his career.

Booker continued, “I am grateful to Trick for showing such respect and admiration towards me. The honesty of his feelings is palpable. I’m hitting the gym regularly and had just finished a rigorous workout before this interaction. I was engrossed in this challenging prison workout involving seven steps and 60 seconds. It is so power-packed that you are entirely drained by the end of that 60 seconds. So yes, I am indeed striving to stay in shape; preparation indeed is the only fortune you’ll have. However, I am readying myself for any potential surprise confrontations on the street. I know, I can sustain about two minutes in such unexpected situations.”

On his part to play a guiding role for Trick, he said, “I genuinely treasure the chance to network with this dynamic man and consider it a privilege to be his mentor. I’ve always desired that for myself during my early career days. Being able to receive wisdom from Ron Simmons was indeed a blessing. He shared insights on what it takes to succeed in this industry and how to navigate through potential pitfalls. That’s the broader essence for all. Therefore, yes, I am fully committed to support Trick in every possible manner. Yet, if he seeks my assistance inside the ring for some learning, I am ready for it. But that’s an off-camera affair.”

Check out their complete discussion in the podcast below: