‘As a child, I envisioned myself participating in the WWE Royal Rumble.’

‘As a child, I envisioned myself participating in the WWE Royal Rumble.’
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In a fresh conversation with Bodyslam.net, TNA’s reigning World Champion Cumminant, known publicly as Moose, discussed the prospective opportunity of taking part in the WWE Royal Rumble as a representative of TNA.

Moose kept the door open to the possibility, given that TNA-signed stars such as Mickie James and Jordynne Grace have already been seen in the WWE ring. In his words,

“Of course, the thought of participating in the Royal Rumble, or appearing on WWE’s broadcasts was something I used to dream about as a kid. However, as things stand, TNA has my loyalty. I have a contract with them and I’m content with the current arrangement. But the future is unpredictable. Jordynne Grace attracted attention when she participated in the Rumble. It’s possible that I might receive an invitation next year, or maybe someone else from our team could be next. I’d be overjoyed for them, whoever it might be.”

He further elaborated, “Our team’s ethos revolves around shared accomplishments. When any team member garners a notable achievement, like being a part of the Royal Rumble, it fills us all with a sense of pride. We stand united as TNA.”