Arrangements for a Key Contest at SummerSlam 2024 Expected to be Finalized

Arrangements for a Key Contest at SummerSlam 2024 Expected to be Finalized
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The major WWE event, SummerSlam 2024, is set to excite fans on August 3, 2024. This noteworthy entertainment spectacle is scheduled to happen at the iconic sports venue, Cleveland Browns Stadium, situated in Cleveland, Ohio. Buzz is circulating that WWE has been designing a surprise element for one of its main matches.

The highly-respected Wrestling Observer Newsletter brings the news that the scenario of a guest referee is being mapped out for one of the standout matches of SummerSlam 2024. The report reads, “At present, plans include a guest referee spot for one of the headlining bouts. There’s no information as of now about which match that will be except that it isn’t the Ripley-Morgan matchup. Assumptions are there that the Ripley-Morgan faceoff might end with Dominik’s interruption who may then aid someone in winning, either openly or through some unintended mistake. This is where the storyline might turn next. Though Rollins featuring as the referee for the Punk-McIntyre face-off is mere speculation.”

There remains ambiguity on which match the guest referee is tagged for, with specification that it is not the Rhea Ripley vs. Liv Morgan bout.

WrestleVotes, in a recent report, hypothesizes that Seth Rollins is likely to make an appearance as the special guest referee for the anticipated CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre match at SummerSlam 2024.

Their report suggests, “Our source confirms that as it stands, Seth Rollins is anticipated to preside over the Punk-McIntyre match at summer slam as the special guest referee. The creative team is progressing with the plans assuming that Punk will be fit to compete, with an expected clear-to-wrestle date earmarked for the preceding Monday, 7/29.”

Fans, however, will have to wait and watch what else the WWE has in store for what is often referred to as The Biggest Party Of Summer, and if these plans hold true.

Addendum: A tweet from WrestleVotes dated July 19, 2024, confirms that the current strategy involves Seth Rollins officiating the CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre SummerSlam match as the special guest referee.