Arn Anderson Praises Son Brock’s Exceptional Wrestling Acumen

Arn Anderson Praises Son Brock’s Exceptional Wrestling Acumen
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On a recent edition of his “The ARN Show” podcast, Arn Anderson discussed a myriad of topics including Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25, handling his son Brock’s career, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25: “And that match with Undertaker is a good choice because it covers all the bases. If you want to sit down and put up with somebody who’s never seen a wrestling match, and you want them to have a favorable impression that you set them down, show them that match.”

On how he handles Brock’s wrestling career: “He’ll admit this, and it’s not a big deal, but when he has a match, I’ll leave him alone. I’ll let him get with his opponent or whoever it is, his agent or producer or coach or whatever they’re called. And then I pull them aside and say, ‘What do you want to do?’ I don’t say, ‘Do this, do that, do this, do that.’ I say, ‘What do you want to do today? What did you have in mind?’ And he’s got a great mind already for the business. He understood the one thing, there’s one cardinal rule you have to follow if you’re going to be in this business any length of time is, you’ve got to make it make sense. It’s got to make sense to you, it’s got to make sense to the audience. And if you start with that building block, you can learn the business. But that number one is number one in my book. You got to make it make sense.”

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In a recent episode of his podcast “The ARN Show,” Arn Anderson shared his thoughts on various topics, including the iconic match between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 and how he handles his son Brock’s wrestling career.

Regarding the Michaels vs. Undertaker match, Anderson believes it is an excellent choice to introduce someone to professional wrestling. He stated, “If you want to sit down and put up with somebody who’s never seen a wrestling match, and you want them to have a favorable impression that you set them down, show them that match.” The match is widely regarded as one of the best in WrestleMania history, showcasing the athleticism, storytelling, and emotional investment that make professional wrestling captivating.

When it comes to guiding his son Brock’s wrestling career, Anderson takes a hands-off approach. He allows Brock to collaborate with his opponent, agent, producer, or coach to determine the direction of the match. Anderson then pulls Brock aside and asks him what he wants to do in the ring. This approach empowers Brock to develop his own creative ideas and ensures that he understands the importance of making the match make sense. Anderson emphasized that making sense to both the performers and the audience is crucial for a successful wrestling career.

Brock Anderson has already shown a great understanding of the business and possesses a natural talent for wrestling. Anderson praised his son’s mindset and highlighted the cardinal rule of making it make sense. By following this principle, wrestlers can create compelling storylines and engage the audience on a deeper level.

To gain further insight into Arn Anderson’s thoughts and perspectives, fans can listen to the full episode of “The ARN Show” podcast. The podcast provides a platform for Anderson to share his experiences, knowledge, and opinions on various aspects of professional wrestling.

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In conclusion, Arn Anderson’s recent podcast episode delves into his thoughts on the Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker match at WrestleMania 25 and his approach to guiding his son Brock’s wrestling career. Anderson emphasizes the importance of making matches make sense and highlights the significance of the Michaels vs. Undertaker match as an introduction to professional wrestling. Fans can find more wrestling news and updates on and follow the website on social media for additional content.