Arn Anderson Contemplates Possible Comeback to Assist Cody Rhodes in WWE

Arn Anderson Contemplates Possible Comeback to Assist Cody Rhodes in WWE
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Former WWE Champion Cody Rhodes has been dropping hints that he might be bringing in a renowned wrestling manager to his team. This has sparked speculation among his fans that Arn Anderson, a known associate of his from AEW, may join him in WWE.

In a discussion on Busted Open Radio, the legendary WWE Hall of Famer was asked about his future plans. To which, he responded,

“I’m 65 and my liver is 127. My time on this earth, let alone in the business, is running short. I am devoted to using whatever time I have left to help my son, Brock [Brock Anderson], who is just beginning his career, secure his spot in the wrestling industry with a reputable company. I want to help him establish himself and get to a position where he can earn a living and be a significant contributor to whichever company he represents. This is where all my remaining time will be dedicated. That might mean travelling to and driving to some independent matches. As much as possible, we’ll only drive to any matches within our range. Flying is off the cards unless absolutely unavoidable. If its drivable range for me and Brock, we’re on it. We will use our name to assist these budding independent promotions in drawing a larger crowd.

“Will I make a comeback under the right circumstances for a brief stint with Cody? If anyone believes this would be a good idea, do let me know. It would be something special. Cody and I haven’t had a dialogue about this. Following his statements that circulated in the media, I texted him to check-in. We exchanged a few texts, but this matter was never discussed. I thought, ‘Perhaps that was just Cody feeling out the situation’ when he made the remarks. However, I was touched and honored by what he said. That’s my relationship with Cody; I always tell him, ‘You’re the star of the show, so go out and perform like one.'”