Arn Anderson claims that Cody Rhodes is an exceptionally skilled professional who exhibits well-rounded talent in all aspects.

Arn Anderson claims that Cody Rhodes is an exceptionally skilled professional who exhibits well-rounded talent in all aspects.
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The recent episode of WWE Hall of Famer, Arn Anderson’s podcast, titled “The ARN Show”, saw him expressing his views on Cody Rhodes’ euphoric celebration post his magnificent Undisputed WWE Universal Title triumph at WrestleMania 40.

Highlighted excerpts from the podcast episode are as follows:

Discussing the superior wrestling skills between Bobby Eaton and Barry Windham, Anderson opined, “Honestly, it’s a tough choice, as they were both exceptional in their respective ways since their styles were entirely different. I would really struggle to choose one over the other, so to answer your fascinating question, I would have to declare it a draw. Barry stood all of 6’6, 6’7 and weighed 240 pounds but moved like a much lighter player like Brad Armstrong. On the other hand, Bobby was nothing short of perfection in all he did. There was not a single thing that Bobby couldn’t excel at. Whenever you watch him executing a knee-drop or leg-drop from the top, you can’t help but exclaim in awe.”

Reflecting on Cody Rhodes’ celebration after his win at WrestleMania XL, he said, “I didn’t get to witness it firsthand. But I did see snippets of the aftermath. The level of admiration he received from his company, undeniably confirms why any wrestling company would want him as a key player. Cody possesses all the characteristics that make him prominent – he has an impressive physique, behaves like a perfect gentleman, demonstrates great professionalism, has tremendous abilities, and most of all, he absolutely loves the wrestling business. Plus, he comes from an esteemed lineage; his brother and father are both legends. He has proven himself to be versatile; even when asked to wrestle a long, 40-45 minute match, Cody readily agrees – ‘Not a problem’. Such stamina is hard to find and keep up with; thus, the company is well-aware of his worth. You could say, he’s a real professional through and through.”