An Insightful Reflection on Randy Orton’s 2020 Feud with Edge

An Insightful Reflection on Randy Orton’s 2020 Feud with Edge
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Randy Orton and Edge feuded through the first half of 2020 following the latter’s WWE in-ring return, and The Viper looked back on the rivalry in a recent interview with WrestleRant.

At the WWE Backlash 2020 pay-per-view event, Orton defeated Edge in a match billed as “The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever.”

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On his feud with Edge: “I was stuck, I wasn’t putting as much time and effort into those promos. Then when I started working with Edge, we had a lot of history and I was able to go into our past and dig up some moments that were completely 100% factual. I’d flub a word or my grammar wouldn’t be great or I would misspeak, but because of the emotion behind what I was saying it didn’t matter because they knew that I believed in what I was saying.”

On gaining more confidence in his promo work before his 2023 injury: “When I started getting the reaction to me on the microphone that I’d never gotten before I realized like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve been missing out on this for almost 20 years? Holy s**t. It’s so much more than wrestling, the promos are so important, and I hate that I was so late to the game on them but just blessed that I am still around so that I can continually improve.”

In a recent interview with WrestleRant, Randy Orton reflected on his feud with Edge in the first half of 2020. The two superstars engaged in a heated rivalry following Edge’s return to in-ring action in the WWE.

One of the standout moments of their feud was their match at the WWE Backlash 2020 pay-per-view event, which was billed as “The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever.” Orton emerged victorious in this highly anticipated showdown.

Orton discussed his approach to the feud and how it helped him improve his promo work. He admitted that prior to working with Edge, he felt stuck and wasn’t putting as much time and effort into his promos. However, their history together allowed Orton to delve into their past and bring up moments that were completely factual. Despite occasionally flubbing a word or having imperfect grammar, the emotion behind his words resonated with the audience, who recognized his genuine belief in what he was saying.

The Viper also revealed that he gained more confidence in his promo work before suffering an injury in 2023. He realized that the reactions he received on the microphone were unlike anything he had experienced before. This revelation made him realize the importance of promos in professional wrestling. Orton expressed regret for being late to fully embrace the significance of promos but acknowledged that he is grateful to still be around and have the opportunity to continually improve.

The interview provided fans with insight into Orton’s mindset during his feud with Edge and shed light on his growth as a performer. It showcased the importance of promos in professional wrestling and highlighted Orton’s dedication to continuously improving his skills.

To watch the full interview with Randy Orton, you can check out the embedded video above.