AJ Styles Praises Triple H’s Leadership: ‘He Demonstrates Genuine Concern for His Employees’

AJ Styles Praises Triple H’s Leadership: ‘He Demonstrates Genuine Concern for His Employees’
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While speaking to Shakiel Mahjouri for a new interview, AJ Styles was asked about working under Triple H compared to Vince McMahon.

Styles will challenge Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Title this Saturday at Backlash France. He said,

“He’s really smart and he really cares. That’s what we need. We need someone who not only wants to put on a great product but cares about the people that are working for him and doing their best. Sometimes we hit a wall and we’re not sure exactly what they want or what they want us to do. Just having that communication to say, ‘Hey man, this is what I need.’ It flips just like that and you understand it. Sometimes we just need time, maybe more time in NXT. I appreciate the fact that he cares about [us] because I’ve seen so much talent that definitely had a right to be in the WWE, but we didn’t give enough time to develop. I feel like we kind of ruined their lives to some degree because this is the peak of wrestling and we just said, ‘you’re not good enough’. I hate that. That’s not true mind you, but that’s what we’ve said doing what we were doing and I don’t think Triple H is willing to do that without giving someone a chance.”

While speaking to Shakiel Mahjouri for a new interview, AJ Styles was asked about working under Triple H compared to Vince McMahon.

Styles will challenge Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Title this Saturday at Backlash France. He said,

“He’s really smart and he really cares. That’s what we need. We need someone who not only wants to put on a great product but cares about the people that are working for him and doing their best. Sometimes we hit a wall and we’re not sure exactly what they want or what they want us to do. Just having that communication to say, ‘Hey man, this is what I need.’ It flips just like that and you understand it. Sometimes we just need time, maybe more time in NXT. I appreciate the fact that he cares about [us] because I’ve seen so much talent that definitely had a right to be in the WWE, but we didn’t give enough time to develop. I feel like we kind of ruined their lives to some degree because this is the peak of wrestling and we just said, ‘you’re not good enough’. I hate that. That’s not true mind you, but that’s what we’ve said doing what we were doing and I don’t think Triple H is willing to do that without giving someone a chance.”