Ahead of his unexpected departure, Tommy Dreamer criticizes WWE’s handling of Dijak.

Ahead of his unexpected departure, Tommy Dreamer criticizes WWE’s handling of Dijak.
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Professional wrestler Tommy Dreamer has expressed doubts about WWE’s handling of Dijak, given the news that the latter will soon depart from RAW.

Earlier, Dijak took to social media, sharing that his current WWE contract is set to expire within the week. He disclosed that the wrestling organization had not made any efforts to negotiate a fresh contract.

In a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Dreamer addressed the matter. He spoke about Dijak’s remarkable ‘buzz’ which, he believes, has been squandered by WWE.

“[I’ve] spoken with him [and] I would say this is a great thing for him. He’s talented, man. He’s big. He can move. I don’t know why they didn’t do stuff with him. NXT was great for him,” Dreamer stated.

“Breaking sweat on the independent circuit, pushing himself to the limits in Ring of Honor, Dijak has proven his worth. He’s one of those NXT talents that has a natural buzz. He’s fully developed, charted his course, and carries an impressive look. I predict he’ll thrive in the independent circuit, and might even get picked up by TNA, if not AEW”, he added.

Since his promotion to the main roster during WWE Draft 2024, Dijak unfortunately hasn’t seen action in any Monday Night RAW matches.