After leaving WWE, Donovan Dijak makes his first appearance at Blitzkrieg Pro Event.

After leaving WWE, Donovan Dijak makes his first appearance at Blitzkrieg Pro Event.
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Wrestling star Dijak, highly praised by wrestlers, officials, and fans alike during his time at WWE, has come up as a free agent since his WWE contract expired on June 28. Dijak revealed that he had not been involved in negotiations with WWE, and was informed at the last moment about the decision to not renew his contract.

Having left WWE, Dijak surprised his fans with an impromptu, unexpected appearance at the Blitzkrieg Pro event. He made a striking entry during CPA’s celebration by executing his signature ‘Feast Your Eyes’ finisher.

Addressing the live audience after his entry, Dijak unveiled his plan to be open for appearances wherever he wished, and to grab any opportunity that came his way.

In an intense speech, Dijak said, “Last night, I didn’t plan to be here. Last night, I was still part of WWE. Not any longer. I saw what I wanted and I simply took it. You all are in for something really special. Because henceforth, if I desire to do something, I do it. I don’t care about the state, country or promotion. I’ll be where I want, when I want, and take whatever I want. This is just a taste of what the professional wrestling world can expect. This is the place where I made my name. So I’m not just going to take what I want, but give back to you. Get in line, because I’m going to be here all night to meet and thank each one of you, for supporting me, and others, and you can feast your eyes on me.”

Here are a few highlights from Dijak’s unexpected appearance post-WWE on various Twitter feeds: