After his stint with WWE NXT, LA Knight was predicted to become a colossal star by Ted DiBiase Sr.

After his stint with WWE NXT, LA Knight was predicted to become a colossal star by Ted DiBiase Sr.
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “Everybody’s Got a Pod,” WWE Hall of Famer, Ted DiBiase Sr., provided his insights into LA Knight’s development within WWE. This comes after their joint project with Cameron Grimes, forming part of a storyline in WWE NXT in 2020.

Some key takeaways from the podcast:

Speaking about his experience performing comedy in NXT as a long-standing figure in the industry, DiBiase Sr. said, “Given who I was and my character and considering the length of time I’ve been out of the spotlight, I thought it performed pretty well.”

He was also asked if he felt there was potential in LA Knight during his time on NXT, he replied, “I had enough interaction with him to realize that he had that one attribute that cannot be instilled – charisma. It’s either there or it’s not. This unique characteristic that makes you stand out from the rest cannot be taught; you’re either born with it or not. Having said that, if you possess charisma, one can hone it further, making it more impactful.”

Elaborating on LA Knight, he added, “I could immediately see he’s got ‘it’. Although I wasn’t sure how far he would go, it was evident that he had the capability to make it big if he didn’t mess up. However, once he starts climbing the ladder and reaches certain positions, his responses to those are crucial. Will he be able to use the opportunities to push himself further up the ladder? Time is the only thing that can answer that.”

On the question of ever participating in a ladder match, he stated, “No, I’ve never been in a ladder match. Furthermore, I don’t think I would ever want to be part of a ladder match.”

The entire podcast can be viewed in the embedded video below.