“AEW was impeccably initiated by Tony Khan at an optimum moment,” asserts Jim Ross.

“AEW was impeccably initiated by Tony Khan at an optimum moment,” asserts Jim Ross.
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In a recent episode of his “Grilling JR” podcast, World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame inductee, Jim Ross provided insights into his experience joining All Elite Wrestling (AEW), working alongside Excalibur in commentary, the health troubles of Kenny Omega, and much more.

Ross’s latest publication, “Business Is About To Pick Up,” reached bookstores last week. In the role of narrator, Ross is set to participate in the audiobook version of his freshly released memoir.

Highlighted below are some of the intriguing moments from the podcast:

Discussing the launch of AEW, Ross said, “I believed the timing was apt. I had a positive instinct about it. The sale of 11,000 tickets for All In 2018 was proof enough that there was a market for it. Tony Khan demonstrated excellent skills in forecasting and planning. My singular concern was about the type of talent he could attract and sign on. To my surprise, he delivered exceptionally, as many of the talents he had brought on board had potential to draw in revenue. This includes Young Bucks and Kenny Omega.”

In regards to Kenny Omega’s health complications, Ross spoke about his recent converation with him. He said, “Kenny Omega and I had a lengthy discussion and we share quite a close bond. He is a great guy. Currently, Omega is struggling with diverticulitis. I had to undergo a major surgery where 11 inches of my colon was removed due to the same health issue. My advice to him was simple- listen to the medical experts. Take sufficient time off and ensure complete recovery before returning. This is serious, it’s about your intestines and not a mere ACL injury or a labrum. Don’t let anyone persuade you into an early comeback. It’s not worth risking further complications.”

Discussing his partnership with Excalibur, Ross commented, “I felt no discomfort working with Excalibur, who is indeed a great guy, intelligent, and fair. He’s always open to exchange insights. A crucial trait as a broadcaster is to be able to listen and share, which helps us connect the dots during commentary. Getting Excalibur onboard was a commendable decision by Tony Khan.”