AEW Dynamite Results (8/27/20)

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AEW Dynamite Results (8/27/20)

AEW Dynamite Results

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AEW Dynamite, August 27, 2020

Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Chris Jericho

Tag Team Gauntlet To Face FTR
Young Bucks vs. Natural Nightmares

QT Marshall & Nick Jackson start things off as they go back and forth. QT gets sunset flipped before tagging in Dustin. Matt gets in and Dustin has to catch his breath. Two powerslams by Dustin before he and QT double Russian leg sweep Matt for a two count.

Dropkick by QT before he wrenches the arm and tags in Dustin. Double axe handle from the top by Dustin and then an arm wrench leg drop to Matt. Nick and Matt soon double-team dropkick and then knock QT off the apron. Bucks begin working Dustin. Bulldog dropkick by The Bucks. Two count.

Nick goes for a back drop but Dustin catches him with an uppercut. Canadian Destroyer (which Chris calls a Texas Destroyer) for a two count.

QT gets the tag and hits a flatliner on Nick for two. A bodyslam attempt allows Nick to tag in Matt and it’s a superkick party. QT gets a near fall soon after reverseing a double-team, but The Bucks continue a BTE Trigger for the W.

ELIMINATED: The Natural Nightmares

Next up are The Best Friends. They start off hot, but Nick begins to control momentum with Chuck Taylor. Facebuster before going for a moonsault onto the outside onto Trent, but he moves and spears Nick.

Trent and Nick soon go at it until Taylor executes a flip over suplex for a two counts. He sends Nick into the corner who goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Trent fires away, but Nick outwits The Best Friends by sliding out of the ring and pulling Chuck off the apron. Trent soon tries to piledrive Nick on the apron, but he reverses and hits a German suplex on Trent instead.

In comes Matt Jackson as he takes it to both BFs with Samoan chops. Soon enough, Matt hits his locomotion suplexes, but Trent counters at the fourth attempt. Both teams tag as they trade punches. Nick gets off a flurry of kicks between the two, but Chucks slams him down. Chuck’s knee is bothering him, but the two still manage to hit Soul Food Half N Half. They go for their finisher, but Matt has Chuck’s legs and Nick turns the tables for a pin attempt, but he kicked out.

On the outside, Matt holds up Trent to create bridge with his body and Nick senton flips on top of him. They do the same in the ring with a 450 splash in the ring. Kick out!

The Bucks go for The Meltzer Driver, but in comes Hangman Page and holds Nick’s leg on the apron. Meanwhile, Matt gets rolled up by Trent and that’s good for the pinfall!

ELIMINATED: The Young Bucks

Out come FTR who act like they have nothing to do with Hangman’s interference. We go to break as the third bout of the gauntlet begins in picture in picture. They knock the BFs off the apron.

Back from break, Dax is working on Chuck’s knee. The underhanded tactics continue as FTR isolates both of their opponents all the while continuing to attack Taylor’s knee. Dax locks in an inverted figure four on Chuck. Chuck unexpectedly taps.

WINNERS & Number One Contenders For AEW Tag Team Titles: FTR