Additional NXT stars show up at TNA Impact Television Recordings on Saturday Night – SPOILER

Additional NXT stars show up at TNA Impact Television Recordings on Saturday Night – SPOILER
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TNA Wrestling recently organized another set of TV tapings at the reputable 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA. The surprising part of Saturday night’s event was the ongoing crossover we observed between TNA and WWE NXT.

The main highlight of Saturday night’s TNA Impact TV tapings was the unanticipated appearance of the No Catch Quarter Crew. This crew included prominent names like Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, and Tavion Heights, who all arrived prepared to compete.

It’s worth noting that this wasn’t their first appearance. During the Friday night’s TV tapings, both Dempsey and Borne made their presence known, setting a precedent for their unexpected appearance on Saturday.

In particular, a tweet from @WrestlingCovers which read “No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne, Charlie Dempsey, and Tavion Heights) are at tonight’s TNA iMPACT tapings‼️” helped fuel the excitement surrounding their appearance.

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