Adam Cole Thanks Bryan Danielson For Helping Him Through Concussion Recovery

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Adam Cole and Britt Baker were recently guests on the “Good Karma Wrestling” podcast, where Cole discussed his recovery process from his severe concussion troubles.

The former NXT Champion revealed how Bryan Danielson, having been through the same struggles earlier, was instrumental in helping him through the process. He said,


“I was (able to chat with Bryan Danielson while I was out of action) and again, I talk about the people who were incredibly helpful, Bryan Danielson absolutely was one of them. Again, considering what he went through and on top of that, he reached out which I thought was so kind and so thoughtful of him because he understood in a lot of ways what I was going through so, yeah, Bryan was incredibly resourceful and very, very helpful to me in my recovery process.”

Adam Cole also discussed his plans for AEW All In 2023, and you can check out what he had to say here.

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