A TNA superstar is aiming for a chance to unseat Oba Femi for the NXT North American Championship.

A TNA superstar is aiming for a chance to unseat Oba Femi for the NXT North American Championship.
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The ongoing talent flow between TNA Wrestling and WWE NXT has already delivered some exciting spectacles. We’ve witnessed Jordynne Grace going against Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women’s Championship at NXT Battleground 2024 and seen Tatum Paxley make a play for the TNA Knockouts World Championship at Against All Odds. And let’s not forget Joe Hendry and Frankie Kazarian’s riveting participation in the 25-man showdown for a crack at Trick Williams’ NXT Championship.

The course this association will take is yet to be spelled out, leaving fans to speculate endlessly.

Jumping into this fray is TNA’s star performer, AJ Francis, who shot a quick tweet in reaction to Oba Femi’s statement on the latest WWE NXT episode.

Last night, Femi, the reigning North American champion, boasted about his undefeated streak and threw a dare that no one would be able to strip him of his title, a challenge which was picked up by Wes Lee.

The stalwart known as the Kardiak Kid succeeded in coaxing Femi into granting him a rematch (albeit with the condition of not getting a third shot if he lost), but TNA’s current Digital Media champion AJ Francis (aka Top Dolla in WWE) seems to fancy his chances as well:

In WWE NXT, as well as the main league, Top Dolla wasn’t able to grab much success. Notorious as part of Hit Row for his failed top-rope leap and constantly ridiculed by Michael Cole, it seems unlikely he’d pose a significant threat to Femi’s reign.

But with wrestling, one can never say never. As a guest performer from another brand, he may well be portrayed in a new light. Who knows, he might even put up a formidable contest.

Does the Femi vs. Francis showdown pique your interest? Could Francis realistically unseat Femi? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!