A Comparison of the Creative Process in AEW and WWE: Insights from Adam Copeland

A Comparison of the Creative Process in AEW and WWE: Insights from Adam Copeland
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Adam Copeland, also known as Edge, recently shared his thoughts on the creative process in AEW compared to WWE during an appearance on the Battleground podcast.

Copeland left WWE last month when his contract expired and made his promotional debut at the WrestleDream pay-per-view event earlier this month.


“Every process has its pros and cons, right? It’s great to be involved to a heavy extent creatively. I’ve been lucky throughout the years, and producing, you are given some creative freedom. That’s always great, because as a performer, you have to be able to bite in to what you’re trying to produce out there. I’ve always said, if there’s some element of truth that the person behind the character can bite into, then the fiction should follow that truth – and that doesn’t change. That’s always treated the same, but it’s nice to sit down and go, ‘Ok, how could this story play out, and being heavily, heavily involved in that,’ being involved on a week to week basis, that becomes more possible. It’s not, popping in every few months, that becomes hard, that becomes a hard process, to be involved in a large creative way when it’s just popping in and out like that.”

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Adam Copeland, also known as Edge, recently shared his thoughts on the creative process in All Elite Wrestling (AEW) compared to WWE during an appearance on the Battleground podcast. Copeland left WWE last month when his contract expired and made his promotional debut at the WrestleDream pay-per-view event earlier this month.

During the podcast, Copeland discussed the pros and cons of the creative process in both promotions. He expressed his appreciation for being heavily involved in the creative decisions in AEW, stating that it allows him to have creative freedom as a performer. Copeland believes that if there is an element of truth that the person behind the character can bite into, then the fiction should follow that truth. He emphasized the importance of being able to fully invest in the storylines and characters he portrays.

In WWE, Copeland mentioned that being involved in a large creative way becomes challenging when he was only popping in and out every few months. He explained that it is difficult to have a significant impact on the creative direction of the storylines when he is not consistently present. However, he acknowledged that throughout his years in WWE, he was fortunate enough to have some creative freedom and involvement in the production process.

The comparison between AEW and WWE’s creative processes highlights the different approaches each promotion takes. AEW’s focus on giving performers more creative input allows them to have a deeper connection with their characters and storylines. On the other hand, WWE’s more structured approach may limit performers’ involvement in the creative process, especially if they are not regularly featured on television.

As Copeland continues his journey in AEW, fans can expect to see him fully invested in his character and storylines. His experience and perspective on the creative process will undoubtedly contribute to the overall quality of his performances.

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