A Comparison of Ted DiBiase Sr.’s Views on Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels’ Personal Growth

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Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels had much different levels of success as singles stars, perhaps due to the fact that only one grew up.

On a recent edition of his “Everybody’s Got A Pod” podcast, DiBiase Sr. spoke about the different attitudes of the two Superstars once known as the Rockers. He said,

“Marty was just crazy … I mean, legitimately. Had he kept his head together … he was a good worker. He was a very good wrestler, but his personal life, you know, was just out of control. Marty never grew up; Shawn (Michaels) did. Shawn [grew up] in a big way. Shawn became a Christian and a believer. To this day, he’s great guy.

“Marty’s, you know, he’s not a bad guy. He’s just this fun-loving spirit who never you know… he’s like a little kid who never wants to grow up. Unfortunately, we all have to grow up.”

To this day, Marty Jannetty continues to make waves for the wrong reasons as he recently claimed he murdered a man though later alleged his comments were a wrestling angle.

Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels, known collectively as the Rockers, had contrasting levels of success as singles stars in the world of professional wrestling. One of the reasons for this difference in their careers can be attributed to their personal growth and attitudes towards life.

In a recent episode of his podcast, “Everybody’s Got A Pod,” legendary wrestler DiBiase Sr. shed light on the divergent paths taken by Jannetty and Michaels. He mentioned that Marty Jannetty had a wild and unpredictable personality. While Jannetty possessed excellent wrestling skills and was considered a talented worker, his personal life was often out of control. DiBiase Sr. emphasized that Jannetty never truly matured or grew up.

On the other hand, Shawn Michaels underwent a significant transformation. Michaels embraced a more responsible and mature outlook on life. He found solace in his Christian faith and became a devout believer. This change had a profound impact on Michaels’ personal and professional life, leading to his success as a singles star.

DiBiase Sr. spoke highly of Michaels, describing him as a great guy even to this day. Michaels’ growth as an individual played a crucial role in his achievements both inside and outside the wrestling ring. His dedication to personal development and commitment to his faith helped him navigate the challenges of the industry and establish himself as one of the all-time greats.

Meanwhile, Jannetty’s carefree and fun-loving spirit prevented him from fully maturing and taking control of his life. Despite not being a bad person, Jannetty often found himself entangled in controversies and making headlines for the wrong reasons. Recently, he made shocking claims about murdering someone, but later clarified that it was part of a wrestling angle, highlighting his penchant for attention-seeking behavior.

The contrasting paths taken by Jannetty and Michaels serve as a reminder of the importance of personal growth and maturity in achieving success, both professionally and personally. While Jannetty’s talent in the ring was undeniable, his inability to overcome personal struggles hindered his progress. In contrast, Michaels’ transformation into a responsible and grounded individual propelled him to great heights.

The story of the Rockers, Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels, serves as a cautionary tale about the significance of personal development and the consequences of failing to mature. It reminds us that talent alone is not enough to sustain success; one must also cultivate a strong character and a sense of responsibility.