The Undertaker Reveals Vince McMahon’s Opposition to Undertaker vs. Sting Match in WWE

The Undertaker Reveals Vince McMahon’s Opposition to Undertaker vs. Sting Match in WWE
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On a recent edition of his “Six Feet Under” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker spoke about how his fantasy dream match with fellow WWE Hall of Famer Sting never materialized.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On a matchup with Sting: “That would have been huge box office. It just didn’t work out. He had a short run in WWE and Vince [Vince McMahon] didn’t want it. For whatever reason, I don’t know what it was. He just didn’t feel it. Everybody else was like, ‘People have been clamoring for this match for quite a few years.’ A year or two into that character change, people were already sending me artwork with the billboard or poster. It just never worked out.”

On the match not likely living up to expectations: “Then, when he got there, the match would have been good, but I don’t think it would have lived up to the expectations that people have for it. People always think about things in a certain sense. I think they thought in their mind of Undertaker 2007-2008 vs. Sting. It was later on than that. I can say, I was way on the backside of what I was going to do when he got there.”

The Undertaker, one of the most iconic figures in professional wrestling, recently discussed his long-awaited dream match with fellow WWE Hall of Famer Sting on his podcast, “Six Feet Under.” Unfortunately, this fantasy matchup never came to fruition, leaving fans disappointed.

During the podcast, The Undertaker expressed his thoughts on why the match with Sting never materialized. He revealed that although fans had been clamoring for this showdown for years, Vince McMahon, the CEO of WWE, did not want it to happen. The Undertaker admitted that he was unsure of the exact reasons behind McMahon’s decision.

The Undertaker acknowledged that a match between him and Sting would have been a massive box office success. However, he also expressed doubts about whether it would have lived up to fans’ expectations. He believed that people had envisioned a clash between the Undertaker from 2007-2008 and Sting, but by the time Sting arrived in WWE, The Undertaker was already in the twilight of his career.

Despite his reservations, The Undertaker acknowledged that the match would have been good. However, he felt that it might not have reached the level of greatness that fans had anticipated. He explained that fans often have specific ideas in their minds about how matches should play out, and he believed that their expectations might have been difficult to meet given the timing of Sting’s arrival.

The Undertaker’s comments shed light on the complexities of booking dream matches in professional wrestling. While fans may eagerly anticipate certain matchups, various factors such as creative decisions and timing can prevent them from happening. In this case, Vince McMahon’s reservations and The Undertaker’s own assessment of the match’s potential impact ultimately led to the dream match between The Undertaker and Sting never taking place.

Despite the disappointment surrounding this unrealized dream match, both The Undertaker and Sting have left an indelible mark on the world of professional wrestling. Their legacies as two of the greatest performers in the industry remain intact, and fans can still appreciate their individual contributions to the sport.

In the end, while the dream match between The Undertaker and Sting may forever remain a fantasy, wrestling enthusiasts can still relish in the memories and accomplishments of these two legendary figures.