On a recent edition of his “Everybody’s Got A Pod” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. recalled being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2010.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On his WWE Hall of Fame induction: “Well, it just was one of those minutes where after [the call] I hung up, and I just kind of smiled. And it made me pause and remember not only the body of work that I did in the WWF, but just my whole life. And what’s funny is, after the WWE Hall of Fame introduction, there’s a Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. It’s not as big, obviously. It’s not as — you know, it doesn’t get the coverage that the WWE Hall of Fame gets. But nonetheless, it exists and I also got inducted into the Hall of Fame. So that was pretty good. But yeah, to be — you know, to be recognized by your peers is great.”
On his sons inducting him into the Hall of Fame: “That time, you know, both of them had visions of getting into the business. And of course, being a wrestler is not what I wanted for my boys. Not because I don’t love it; it was more about the lifestyle that goes along with the job. But I will even have to say now, a lot of the things that I didn’t like back then is no longer true. And I mean, it’s kind of like, they’re not working three straight weeks without a day off anymore. They’re doing, I think they do ten days on and three days off. Then they do four days on, and three days off. I don’t know if they still do that. You know, it could be that they just wrestle on weekends. I honestly don’t know.”
Ted DiBiase Sr., a WWE Hall of Famer, recently shared his experience of being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2010 on his podcast, “Everybody’s Got A Pod.” DiBiase reflected on the significance of this honor and the impact it had on his life and career.
DiBiase expressed his gratitude for the recognition he received from WWE and his peers. He mentioned that after receiving the call about his induction, he couldn’t help but smile and reflect on his entire body of work in the WWF (now WWE) and his life as a whole. He also mentioned another Hall of Fame, the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, where he was also inducted. Although it may not receive as much attention as the WWE Hall of Fame, DiBiase acknowledged its existence and appreciated the recognition he received there as well.
One interesting aspect DiBiase discussed was his sons’ involvement in his Hall of Fame induction. At the time, both of his sons had aspirations of entering the wrestling business. However, DiBiase had reservations about them pursuing a career in wrestling due to the demanding lifestyle associated with it. He explained that back then, wrestlers would often work for three straight weeks without a day off. However, he acknowledged that things have changed since then and that the schedule has become more manageable for wrestlers. He mentioned that his sons’ schedules now involve working for ten days and having three days off, followed by four days on and three days off. He admitted that he was not entirely sure about their current schedules, as it could have changed over time.
DiBiase’s reflections on his Hall of Fame induction shed light on the significance of this honor for professional wrestlers. Being recognized by one’s peers is a testament to their contributions and impact on the industry. It serves as a validation of their hard work and dedication throughout their career.
The WWE Hall of Fame is an esteemed institution that celebrates the achievements of wrestlers who have left a lasting legacy in the industry. Inductees are chosen based on their in-ring performances, contributions to the business, and their influence on future generations of wrestlers.
The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, although not as widely recognized as the WWE Hall of Fame, also plays a crucial role in preserving the history and honoring the legends of professional wrestling. It serves as a reminder of the rich heritage of the sport and recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to its growth and development.
Overall, Ted DiBiase Sr.’s experience of being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2010 highlights the importance of recognition and appreciation within the wrestling community. It serves as a reminder of the impact that wrestlers can have on the industry and the lasting legacy they leave behind.