New Developments: Increasing Number of Individuals Eager to Share Information on Vince McMahon & WWE, Reveals Janel Grant’s Lawyer

New Developments: Increasing Number of Individuals Eager to Share Information on Vince McMahon & WWE, Reveals Janel Grant’s Lawyer
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The lawyer for Janel Grant (Vince McMahon’s accuser) continues to speak out about the lawsuit her client filed against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE over sex trafficking, sexual assault and more.

Grant’s lawyer Ann Callis recently spoke with News Nation to discuss the lawsuit, whether the statute of limitations has passed on the allegations, if she believes more people will come forward, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On if the statute of limitations has passed on the allegations: “I don’t believe so, but I represent her in the civil matter and cannot really comment on any criminal matters right now.”

On the seriousness of the allegations: “What happened to her was particularly egregious when it comes to the sexual slavery she endured, the devastating consequences physically and mentally when she was going through this, and still is suffering through this with PTSD. She had suicidal ideation. I was a criminal felony judge for nine years. The worst cases actually went to trial and that is murders and sexual assaults. This is in its own class. This is in its own class of depravity that she had to endure.”

On why the lawsuit was filed now: “It was a process. It was an approach with our legal team and also with Janel. It was an arduous, long, systematic drive to get the best complaint that we possibly could. That’s when it fell to file. Also, you mentioned some of the details and abhorant facts. We’re going against the WWE, a multi-billion dollar corporation, who turned a blind eye to what was happening there to Janel. Also, Vince McMahon, a multi-billionaire, and John Laurinaitis, who is a powerful person in his own right. The only weapon we actually had was the true facts that we put in this complaint and the details, to try to even the playing field where she felt so powerless before.”

On if she knows of others who might similarly speak up about allegations against them: “No more than the regular public about the NDAs that everyone has heard who has followed this story. She has no more knowledge than that. Our hope is, and her hope is, by coming out, by stepping forward, by bringing this complaint and putting her face to this complaint, that other victims of Vince McMahon and the WWE will end up becoming public and she wants to help them find their voice and get justice. She thinks and hopes by doing this, she will.”

On the notion of more people speaking about the culture in WWE: “My office and my inbox have had a barrage of people wanting to come forward to attest about this culture of corruption and also possible victims. We are just beginning now to wade through all this, but we’re frankly overwhelmed.”

On other people who may be involved from WWE’s side: “Our complaint has just been filed. We’re hoping through the discovery process that we will be able to build a case with all the witnesses, everything that would be relevant, to put in the strongest case that would go to a jury trial.”

On the scrutiny Grant will face: “I think she is [prepared]. She has been devastated, dehumanized, and discarded, and she is really a destroyed person physically and mentally. She is also incredibly resilient and incredibly brave. She sustained and undoing onslaught of sexual deviation from Vince McMahon, overlooked by the WWE. She survived that. I think she can survive some scrutiny.”

In recent news, the lawyer representing Janel Grant, who has accused Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and more, has spoken out about the lawsuit. Ann Callis, Grant’s lawyer, recently had an interview with News Nation where she discussed various aspects of the case.

One of the questions posed to Callis was whether the statute of limitations had passed on the allegations. She responded by saying that she did not believe so, but as she represents Grant in the civil matter, she could not comment on any criminal matters at the moment. This indicates that there may still be legal avenues for pursuing justice in this case.

Callis also emphasized the seriousness of the allegations made by Grant. She described the sexual slavery and the physical and mental consequences that Grant had to endure, including suffering from PTSD and having suicidal thoughts. As a former criminal felony judge, Callis stated that this case is in its own class of depravity and is comparable to the worst cases she has seen.

When asked about why the lawsuit was filed now, Callis explained that it was a lengthy process involving careful consideration by both Grant and their legal team. They aimed to create the best possible complaint against WWE, a multi-billion dollar corporation, and individuals like Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis. Callis mentioned that the only weapon they had was the true facts presented in the complaint, which they hoped would help level the playing field for Grant.

Regarding whether there might be other victims who will come forward, Callis stated that Grant has no more knowledge than the general public about any potential NDAs or other victims. However, Grant hopes that by stepping forward and filing this complaint, other victims will find their voice and seek justice. Callis expressed that her office has already received numerous inquiries from people wanting to come forward with their own experiences related to WWE’s culture of corruption.

In terms of other individuals who may be involved from WWE’s side, Callis mentioned that their complaint has just been filed. They hope that through the discovery process, they will be able to gather all the relevant witnesses and evidence to build a strong case that could potentially go to a jury trial.

Lastly, Callis addressed the scrutiny that Grant may face as a result of her accusations. She acknowledged that Grant has already been through immense devastation and dehumanization but highlighted her resilience and bravery. Despite the onslaught of sexual deviation she endured, Callis believes that Grant can handle the scrutiny that may come her way.

Overall, this interview with Janel Grant’s lawyer sheds light on the ongoing lawsuit against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE. It highlights the seriousness of the allegations, the process leading up to the filing of the lawsuit, and the hope for other victims to come forward. As the case progresses, it will be interesting to see how it unfolds and whether it will bring about significant changes within WWE and its culture.