Insights from Kofi Kingston on CM Punk’s Highly Anticipated WWE Comeback

Insights from Kofi Kingston on CM Punk’s Highly Anticipated WWE Comeback
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Speaking on Busted Open Radio, Kofi Kingston talked about a wide range of topics, including CM Punk’s return to WWE. 

Punk returned to the company he walked out of in 2014 last November at Survivor Series. Kingston said, 

“So time is always weird when you’re on the roster. It flows differently because everything feels like it was just yesterday, but at the same time feels like it happened decades ago. So it does feel like a long time. But I told him actually this week, every time he comes around the corner, I legit light up. ‘Hey!’ I don’t even say anything. ‘Hey!’ I’m happy yo see him back there because nobody ever thought that he would be back, you know what I mean? There was such animosity between him and the company, and all the stuff that he had gone through, you just never thought that you would see him here, let alone in a ring. So I am ecstatic, I’m happy because he went through whatever he went through, and he came back, and now this is the next step in the journey, you know what I mean? You always want to see people happy with their lives and where they’re at with their lives, and you want to see them go through what they go through and overcome that, and I think it’s great. I think it’s awesome. For the fans, they get to see CM Punk back. You never thought you’d see that, but yet here we are. But for me, it’s just a joy to see him. I said one of these days, I’m gonna get used to seeing you around here, and I’m not gonna pop every time I see you. It’s not gonna be any time soon, but eventually, we’re gonna get tired of seeing you around here. But yeah, it’s great to see him back.”

In a recent interview on Busted Open Radio, WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston opened up about a variety of topics, one of which was the highly anticipated return of CM Punk to the company. Punk, who left WWE in 2014, made his surprising comeback at Survivor Series last November. Kingston expressed his excitement and happiness at seeing Punk back in the WWE fold.

Time can be a strange concept for those on the WWE roster, with moments feeling like they just happened yesterday while also feeling like they occurred decades ago. For Kingston, it felt like a long time since Punk’s departure, but he admitted that every time he sees Punk, he lights up with joy. The unexpected return of Punk was something that nobody thought would happen due to the animosity between him and the company.

Kingston acknowledged the challenges and hardships that Punk went through during his time away from WWE. He expressed his admiration for Punk’s ability to overcome those obstacles and return to the company. Seeing Punk back in the ring is not only exciting for the fans but also a personal joy for Kingston.

The WWE Superstar emphasized the importance of seeing people happy with their lives and overcoming adversity. He believes that Punk’s return is a testament to his resilience and determination. Kingston expressed his happiness for Punk and his journey, stating that it’s great to witness someone go through their struggles and come out stronger on the other side.

Kingston also acknowledged that while he is thrilled to see Punk back, there may come a time when the novelty wears off and he becomes accustomed to seeing him around. However, for now, every encounter with Punk brings immense joy and excitement.

The return of CM Punk has been a major talking point in the wrestling world since it happened. Fans never thought they would see him back in a WWE ring, making his comeback even more significant. Kingston’s words reflect the sentiment of many fans who are thrilled to have Punk back and eager to see what the future holds for him in WWE.

In conclusion, Kofi Kingston’s interview on Busted Open Radio shed light on his feelings about CM Punk’s return to WWE. Kingston expressed his genuine happiness and excitement at seeing Punk back in the company, highlighting the unexpected nature of his comeback and the challenges he overcame. The return of CM Punk has undoubtedly brought a renewed sense of excitement to the WWE universe, and fans are eagerly anticipating what lies ahead for the beloved superstar.