MJF Acknowledges Fatigue Among Fans Regarding His Ongoing Success

MJF Acknowledges Fatigue Among Fans Regarding His Ongoing Success
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In a recent interview with The Players Tribune, AEW World Heavyweight Champion MJF discussed his health heading into the 2023 AEW Worlds End pay-per-view event, where he will defend the title against Samoa Joe.

The Salt of the Earth said, “I’m tired. I know that’s not what you’re supposed to say as a professional wrestler — especially not before a big world title defense in your hometown. I know I should take my vitamins, brother, order up an expensive coffee to the five-star hotel room I’m staying in (thanks, Tony), and end this article by cutting an ’80s good guy promo about the evil Samoa Joe. Let’s sell some Pay-Per-Views!!!!!!! But I don’t know, man. I’m just so, so, so tired. That’s the God’s honest truth. My hip is a mess. My arm won’t lift above my head. I’m on painkillers, which are not my thing. I can’t sleep.”


He added, “But like I said earlier…… I know it’s not only me who’s tired. I know our fans are a little tired of this run I’ve been on. And for the first time since this company started, I know there’s some MJF fatigue. Which is fine, by the way — no one stays hot forever. Right now, though, as I’m writing this? It’s Wednesday morning. It’s three days before Worlds End. It’s five days from five years of MJF in AEW. And I don’t know what comes next.”

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AEW World Heavyweight Champion MJF recently opened up about his health and the challenges he’s facing heading into the 2023 AEW Worlds End pay-per-view event. In an interview with The Players Tribune, MJF expressed his exhaustion and physical ailments, shedding light on the toll that professional wrestling can take on the body.

MJF began by acknowledging that it might not be the conventional thing to say as a professional wrestler, especially before a major title defense, but he admitted, “I’m tired.” He revealed that he should be following the typical wrestler’s routine of taking vitamins, indulging in expensive coffee, and cutting a promotional speech about his opponent, Samoa Joe. However, he chose to be honest and transparent about his current state.

The Salt of the Earth went on to explain that his hip is in bad shape and his arm cannot lift above his head. He admitted to relying on painkillers, which are not his usual choice, and struggling to get a good night’s sleep. These physical challenges have undoubtedly taken a toll on MJF’s overall well-being.

Interestingly, MJF also acknowledged that he understands the fans’ fatigue with his ongoing dominance in AEW. He recognized that no one can stay hot forever and admitted that there is currently some MJF fatigue among the audience. This self-awareness showcases MJF’s ability to reflect on his own performance and adapt to the changing dynamics of the wrestling industry.

As MJF prepares for Worlds End, he expressed uncertainty about what comes next for him. With five years in AEW under his belt, he is at a crossroads in his career and is unsure about the path ahead. This vulnerability and introspection demonstrate MJF’s willingness to evolve and explore new avenues within professional wrestling.

For fans who want to stay updated on all things wrestling, eWrestlingNews.com is a reliable source for news and updates. Additionally, they can follow the website on Twitter and Facebook to stay connected with the latest happenings in the wrestling world.

MJF’s candid interview sheds light on the physical and mental challenges that professional wrestlers face. It serves as a reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of the wrestling industry, there are individuals who push their bodies to the limit for the sake of entertaining fans. MJF’s honesty and self-reflection make him a relatable figure, and fans will undoubtedly be eagerly awaiting his upcoming title defense at Worlds End.