Serena Deeb Discloses Three Seizures Experienced Since October Last Year

Serena Deeb Discloses Three Seizures Experienced Since October Last Year
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In a new video on Instagram, Serena Deeb revealed she had been suffering from seizures since last October, which would explain why she hasn’t wrestled a match since October 2022. 

The good news is that she is now cleared to wrestle. 


“Since last October, I’ve had a series of three unprovoked seizures. This has been a really dramatic time period for me and has affected my career and life. In a lot of ways, it’s been really scary for me. I’ve seen a lot of different doctors and had every test imaginable. For the longest time, nobody could tell me why this happened.

“Being out of the ring has been really challenging for me. I love professional wrestling with everything in me and I miss performing and wrestling.

“I’ve kept this very private and then I started learning more about seizures and how much more common it is and I never realized how many more people experience seizures. I have so much empathy. I know how scary it is and I just want to send a message that you’re not alone and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I want to encourage you. A big reason why I wanted to talk to you today is because I do have some news. It’s good news, it’s great news. I saw my neurologist recently and he told me that I’ve recovered, I’m healthy, and I am officially cleared to wrestle. That means I’m ready to return. Hopefully, the next time you guys see me, I’ll be in the ring doing what I do best. I can’t wait to wrestle and can’t wait to show you what the Professor, what Serena Deeb is made of.”

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Serena Deeb, a professional wrestler, recently opened up about her battle with seizures since October 2022. In a video shared on Instagram, she revealed that the seizures had affected her career and personal life, causing her to take a break from wrestling. However, the good news is that she has now been cleared to return to the ring.

Deeb described the past few months as a dramatic and scary time for her. She underwent numerous tests and consultations with doctors to determine the cause of her seizures. Initially, no one could provide her with a definitive answer. Being away from wrestling has been incredibly challenging for her, as she has a deep love for the sport and misses performing.

During her journey, Deeb discovered that seizures are more common than she had realized. This realization led her to share her story and offer support to others who may be going through similar experiences. She emphasized that those who experience seizures are not alone and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

The wrestler received positive news from her neurologist, who declared her recovered, healthy, and officially cleared to wrestle again. This announcement brought great joy to Deeb, as she expressed her eagerness to return to the ring and showcase her skills once more.

For fans of professional wrestling, is a reliable source for all the latest updates and news in the industry. The website provides comprehensive coverage of wrestling events and features articles on various wrestlers, including Serena Deeb. Additionally, fans can follow eWrestlingNews on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates.

Serena Deeb’s journey serves as a reminder of the challenges that individuals face in their personal and professional lives. Her determination to overcome adversity and return to doing what she loves is an inspiration to many. As she prepares to step back into the ring, fans eagerly await her comeback and look forward to witnessing her talent once again.