Renee Paquette Shares Her Passion for Assisting Talent in Achieving Stardom

Renee Paquette Shares Her Passion for Assisting Talent in Achieving Stardom
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Renee Paquette currently works as a backstage interviewer and producer in All Elite Wrestling.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “Women’s Wrestling Talk” podcast, Paquette discussed her desire to help talents improve during their backstage segments. She said,


“I focus on what I have the most experience in, of course, is those backstage segments doing those interviews, different promos. You know, for me, it’s kind of jumping in there. It’s such a different experience than it is with WWE. Of course, I was not a producer there. But the experience that I had there of being able to work with everybody. I’ve done interviews with everybody. So for me to be able to have that experience and now to be able to apply it here where we’re not just handed a script, and we’re not handed the like, here’s what we’re getting to. So really, it’s you know, getting together with the talent, sometimes it’s right before we’re about to shoot something going, what are we doing? What are we trying to accomplish? And it’s really just keeping everybody on track and making sure that what we’re doing makes sense. Because it can get very complicated sometimes when it’s like, you know, a bunch of different championships, a bunch of different matches, a bunch of different players that are in this segment.”

She continued, “So it’s trying to make sure that what we’re talking about makes sense. But also like little things, where’s everyone standing? What’s the blocking house? If somebody’s exiting the frame? How are we doing that? Like it’s, it’s all those little things that really do make such a difference in those moments of which side a babyface is going to come in from how I’m going to, you know how I’m going to interact with the baby face as opposed to a heel. It’s all those little things that I think really make the difference to those moments. And as we know, it was like any moment that you have on camera is so valuable. So we want to make the most of those every single time and if I can help make somebody look like a bigger star or get them better experience in those moments. That’s something that I love doing.”

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Renee Paquette, known for her work as a backstage interviewer and producer in All Elite Wrestling (AEW), recently shared her passion for helping talents improve during their backstage segments. In a recent episode of the “Women’s Wrestling Talk” podcast, Paquette discussed her experience and approach to working with talent in AEW.

Paquette emphasized that her focus lies in backstage segments, interviews, and promos. She highlighted the difference between her experience in AEW compared to her time in WWE, where she was not a producer. Paquette mentioned that in AEW, they are not simply handed a script or given specific instructions. Instead, she collaborates with the talent to understand their goals and objectives for each segment. This involves discussing what they are trying to accomplish and ensuring that the content makes sense within the context of the storylines and characters involved.

The backstage interviewer and producer also stressed the importance of paying attention to details. She mentioned considerations such as the positioning of individuals, the blocking of scenes, and the movements of characters within the frame. Paquette believes that these small details can significantly impact the overall quality of the segment. For example, understanding which side a babyface (a good guy) enters from and how to interact with them differently from a heel (a villain) can enhance the authenticity and effectiveness of the segment.

Paquette expressed her love for helping talents shine and providing them with valuable experiences during their on-camera moments. She believes that every moment on camera is precious and should be maximized to make each talent look like a bigger star. By utilizing her experience and expertise, Paquette aims to contribute to the growth and success of AEW’s talent roster.

In conclusion, Renee Paquette’s role as a backstage interviewer and producer in AEW allows her to apply her extensive experience in conducting interviews and working with various talents. Her focus on collaboration, attention to detail, and dedication to making each moment on camera count showcases her commitment to helping talents improve and succeed in their roles. As a valuable asset to AEW, Paquette’s contributions play a crucial role in enhancing the overall quality of the promotion’s backstage segments and interviews.