Teddy Long Advocates for Banning Wrestling Journalists from Events

Teddy Long Advocates for Banning Wrestling Journalists from Events
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Should wrestling journalists and interviewers who share ‘false’ information be banned from backstage? Teddy Long certainly believes so.

During a recent episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T took issue at Dave Meltzer, who he believes is “spoiling” plans for wrestlers before they make it to TV.


Booker compared this to spoiling the ending of a movie and argued that he and Bryan Alvarez should be banned from wrestling events.

On “Wrestle Binge,” Teddy was asked for his thoughts on Booker’s comments and shared who he would like to see banned from events. He said,

“If you got people that are putting out stuff that isn’t accurate, then they should be banned. They shouldn’t be back there. If you’re going to be back there, be professional about it. If you got an interview or something, take your camera person, walk up and do it. You’re out of there. Leave the guy alone.

“Move on to the next guy. Don’t be all up in catering trying to eat and mingle with all the talent. That’s not good. Go get your interviews and get on out of there. So I certainly agree that if there’s somebody out there doing interviews out there and then they come out and put something wrong then that’s bad.”

Long did not specify that Meltzer should be banned and made it clear that he doesn’t know the veteran journalist all too well.

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In the world of professional wrestling, backstage access is a privilege reserved for a select few. Wrestlers, promoters, and trusted personnel are granted entry to this exclusive area where they can prepare for their matches, discuss storylines, and interact with their colleagues. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether wrestling journalists and interviewers who share false information should be banned from backstage. This topic recently came to light when Teddy Long, a former wrestling manager and referee, expressed his opinion on the matter.

During an episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T, a legendary wrestler and current commentator, voiced his frustration with Dave Meltzer, a prominent wrestling journalist known for his insider information and analysis. Booker accused Meltzer of “spoiling” plans for wrestlers by revealing them before they make it to television. He likened this to spoiling the ending of a movie and suggested that Meltzer and his colleague Bryan Alvarez should be banned from wrestling events.

When asked about Booker’s comments on the “Wrestle Binge” show, Teddy Long shared his thoughts on the issue. He agreed with Booker’s stance and stated that individuals who spread inaccurate information should not be allowed backstage. Long emphasized the importance of professionalism and urged interviewers to conduct their interviews and promptly leave the area without lingering or interfering with the talent.

Long did not specifically mention Dave Meltzer as someone who should be banned, clarifying that he does not know the veteran journalist well. However, he emphasized that anyone who puts out incorrect information should face consequences for their actions.

The debate surrounding the banning of wrestling journalists and interviewers from backstage raises questions about the role of media in the wrestling industry. On one hand, journalists provide valuable coverage and analysis that keeps fans informed and engaged. On the other hand, spreading false information can disrupt storylines, create confusion among fans, and potentially harm the reputation of wrestlers and promotions.

It is essential for wrestling journalists and interviewers to prioritize accuracy and professionalism in their work. While backstage access can provide unique insights and opportunities for interviews, it should be treated as a privilege that comes with responsibilities. Journalists should strive to verify information before reporting it and should respect the boundaries set by wrestlers and promoters.

In conclusion, Teddy Long’s support for banning individuals who share false information from backstage reflects the importance of accuracy and professionalism in the wrestling industry. Wrestlers and promoters rely on trust and confidentiality to create compelling storylines and surprise fans. Wrestling journalists and interviewers play a crucial role in keeping fans informed, but they must do so responsibly and ethically. By upholding these standards, the wrestling industry can maintain its integrity and provide an enjoyable experience for fans worldwide.