EC3 Reveals the Origins of His Gimmick and His Connection as Dixie Carter’s Nephew

EC3 Reveals the Origins of His Gimmick and His Connection as Dixie Carter’s Nephew
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On a recent edition of “The Kurt Angle Show” podcast, NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion EC3 discussed the origins of his Ethan Carter III character as the nephew of Dixie Carter in TNA Wrestling, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On how he came to be the nephew of Dixie Carter in TNA: “It was crazy that this curly-haired idiot named Michael Hutter, aka Derrick Bateman from Cleveland, Ohio had a billionaire aunt. And then you find out, you know, 90 days after you get fired from your job? It was very interesting how that all worked out. But the idea came from, I believe it was John Gaborik within TNA at the time. As he was coming in and I think Eric Bischoff and Hulk were kind of on their way out. And in the thing we talk about later with what I write, there are four times within wrestling. There’s the wrong place at the wrong time, the right place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, but the only one that works for you is the right place at the right time.

“So I was in the right place at the right time, because John’s coming in. He knew I had charisma and talent and the ability to work look like I had ability. He needed to make new stars. So he came from WWE knowing me, I had the freedom to fail. So that idea kind of came from him. And we’re tossing around names like. What the name of this Carter be? And I’m like, ‘Well, I’ve never met an Ethan I liked.’ It was kind of too, I remember in grade school, Jimmy Powell III. I didn’t understand why he was a third. And it pissed me off so much. ‘Why are you a third? I don’t get it.’ And he was kind of a nerd and he picked his nose. And that’s kind of the creative birth. Collaboration is great creative. But through that and knowing you have a push, like I said, knowing you have a little bit of freedom to try something and fail gives you just the utmost amount of confidence that is kind of negated in the WWE, where it’s walking on eggshells, and you think if you breathe wrong, you’re going to get fired. So with just that inch of extra confidence, I was able to take it and run with it.”

On his first impression of Dixie and TNA: “Dixie was one of the sweetest — and still is — kindest, most gentle people I’ve ever met. Yeah, she’s. It visually would upset me when you’d see things and hear people talk about her who don’t know her. And I never understood why the internet had the knives out for her sometimes. But she was such a good person, which almost could be your downfall in wrestling, right, Kurt? She’s so trusting and so caring and so giving that it’s very easy for you to manipulate or take advantage, especially if this is the business you grew up in.

“But her — like, I would say from a business perspective she didn’t always know what needed to be the focus as opposed to what could probably suffer in lieu of great storytelling. And there’s probably just one example I would have is, before you got hurt and we didn’t do the title match, we’re going to have a cage match at Lockdown I think, and I think you had to get a knee scope. And there was a promo backstage with Dixie and I where the eventual selling point of this is you versus me, or I versus you. And we were talking about this promo and you know, there’s writers running around and things like that. And we were focused on a f**king potted plant in the background where she’s like, ‘I don’t know if that plant looks right.’ What do you think? I’m like, ‘I don’t care.’ And then, you know, by the end of it like, ‘Oh, the segment’s cut, 45 seconds. And the whole purpose of the promo was for me to kind of brashly talk about curses, scared to fight me, and it wasn’t mentioned once.”

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The Origins of EC3: From Nephew of Dixie Carter to NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion

EC3, also known as Ethan Carter III, has become a prominent figure in the world of professional wrestling. As the current NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, he has captured the attention of fans worldwide. In a recent episode of “The Kurt Angle Show” podcast, EC3 discussed the origins of his character and his time in TNA Wrestling.

One of the most intriguing aspects of EC3’s character is his connection to Dixie Carter, the former president of TNA Wrestling. EC3 revealed that the idea for his character came from John Gaborik, who was joining TNA at the time. Gaborik recognized EC3’s charisma and talent and saw the opportunity to create a new star. The concept of EC3 being Dixie Carter’s nephew was born out of this collaboration.

EC3 explained that the name “Ethan Carter” was chosen because he had never met an Ethan he liked. He recalled a childhood experience with a classmate named Jimmy Powell III, who annoyed him by being a third-generation family member. This memory inspired EC3 to adopt the name Ethan Carter, adding an extra layer to his character’s backstory.

The timing of EC3’s introduction as Dixie Carter’s nephew played a crucial role in his success. He described the four different scenarios in wrestling: being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the right place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, and finally, the right place at the right time. EC3 found himself in the latter category, as John Gaborik’s arrival provided him with the opportunity to shine.

EC3 also shared his first impression of Dixie Carter as a person. He described her as one of the sweetest, kindest, and most gentle individuals he had ever met. However, he acknowledged that her trusting and caring nature could sometimes be a downfall in the wrestling business. EC3 believed that some people took advantage of her because of her genuine nature.

During his time in TNA, EC3 encountered a situation that highlighted Dixie Carter’s focus on minor details rather than the bigger picture. He recalled a backstage promo where the main point was supposed to be a confrontation between himself and Kurt Angle. However, Dixie became fixated on a potted plant in the background, causing the segment to be cut short and the intended message to be lost.

Despite the challenges, EC3’s character development in TNA allowed him to showcase his talents and gain confidence. He emphasized the importance of having creative freedom and the ability to take risks without fear of immediate consequences. This freedom gave him the confidence to take his character and run with it, ultimately leading to his success in the wrestling industry.

EC3’s journey from being Dixie Carter’s nephew to becoming the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion is a testament to his talent, perseverance, and the power of creative collaboration. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers and highlights the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise.

As EC3 continues to make waves in the wrestling world, fans eagerly anticipate his future endeavors and the impact he will continue to have on the industry.