Adam Copeland Discusses the Risks Involved in Joining AEW

Adam Copeland Discusses the Risks Involved in Joining AEW
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Adam Copeland was a recent guest on the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including why he decided to take the risk of leaving WWE for AEW.

Additionally, the former Edge revealed that he’s well aware that “stepping out of his comfort zone” can take a bit to get used to.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On leaving WWE: “Any relationship of 25 years … I had my first match with them in ’96. From that point forward, I never went anywhere else. So yeah, there’s a massive like, ‘Ok, I’m stepping off the cliff here. How does this go?’ But that’s also really exhilarating, too. That’s really fun [and] it’s about challenging yourself. This is a challenge, and it’s not the safe thing. I could have gone with the safe thing.”

On Jericho taking the risk when he joined AEW: “You did the exact same thing. Sometimes, you just have to do that — step out of a comfort zone — and kinda take the warm blanket off and see what else is out there… [My friends] here have been telling me their stories of having fun, and again, at this stage [of my career] … fun, challenges, getting to work with my best friend. I mean, common!”

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Adam Copeland, also known as Edge in the world of professional wrestling, recently appeared on the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast to discuss his decision to leave WWE for AEW and the challenges that come with stepping out of one’s comfort zone.

Having been with WWE for 25 years, Copeland acknowledged that leaving the company was a significant risk. He had never worked anywhere else since his first match in 1996. However, he found the idea of stepping off the cliff and venturing into the unknown exhilarating. He saw it as a challenge and an opportunity to challenge himself. Copeland could have chosen the safe option, but he decided to take a leap of faith.

Copeland also mentioned Chris Jericho, who made a similar decision to join AEW. He commended Jericho for stepping out of his comfort zone and taking off the warm blanket of familiarity. Copeland’s friends in AEW had shared their stories of having fun and enjoying new challenges. At this stage of his career, Copeland wanted to have fun, face new challenges, and work with his best friend.

The decision to leave WWE for AEW is not an easy one for any wrestler. WWE is the biggest wrestling promotion globally, and leaving such a prominent platform is a risk. However, AEW has been gaining popularity and providing wrestlers with more creative freedom and opportunities to showcase their skills.

This move by Copeland reflects the changing landscape of professional wrestling. Wrestlers are now more willing to explore different promotions and take risks to further their careers. AEW has become a viable alternative for wrestlers who want to try something new and break away from the established norms.

As fans, we can expect to see Copeland bring his unique style and charisma to AEW. His presence will undoubtedly add value to the promotion and create exciting storylines and matches. It will be interesting to see how Copeland adapts to the new environment and what fresh experiences he brings to the table.

In conclusion, Adam Copeland’s decision to leave WWE for AEW is a bold move that demonstrates his willingness to step out of his comfort zone. It is a decision driven by the desire for new challenges and the opportunity to have fun in his career. Copeland’s move reflects the changing landscape of professional wrestling and the increasing popularity of AEW. Fans can look forward to seeing Copeland’s contributions to AEW and the fresh dynamics he brings to the promotion.