Lance Storm Is Still Looking To Have Retirement Match With Chris Jericho

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Former WWE/WCW wrestler Lance Storm recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet for a new interview where he discussed a wide range of topics, including his career.

During the interview, Storm discussed how he made a pact with Chris Jericho that they would have their first and last match with each other. Storm is still looking to have his retirement match as Jericho continues to wrestle in AEW. He said,


“Yes, that’s sort of the running joke between us. Because we’ve over the years have made a pact, because our very first match was against each other. We did like a 10 or a 15-minute draw, I don’t remember which in Ponoka, Alberta out here. And I’ve always contended that it would be cool. Especially because we know each other still to do our last match with each other too and have us both bookend our careers.

“And on one of the Talk is Jericho podcast as well as recently just personally, we’ve sort of, you know, what’s the word, reaffirmed the pact to do it. But I keep joking with them. It’s like, Dude, you have to retire at some point, or I’m not going to be able to do it. You know, you’ve got to retire inside the next five or 10 years, dude, or I’m not going to be. I don’t want to do it at 75.”

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