Kurt Angle – ‘Dixie Carter Had A Strong Relationship With Me’

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On the latest episode of his “The Kurt Angle Show,” Kurt Angle discussed TNA Hard Justice 2009, former TNA President Dixie Carter, and The Main Event Mafia stable he was part of.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On whether he thought Dixie Carter enjoyed being put into storylines: “No, I don’t think so. I’m not going to lie. Dixie loved having some press, but she wasn’t over the top about it. She’s not like, ‘Hey, put me on TV just so I can be on it, or say my name on TV.’ She’s gonna want to be a part of an important storyline or something or something she could be useful for. But no, Dixie is a class act. She never tried to get on there just to be famous. No. I had a really strong relationship with Dixie, about as strong as it gets between an employee and their boss, definitely, so I won’t talk any sh*t on her. If you ask me, you’re talking to the wrong person.”

On how things were backstage between the Main Event Mafia and the rest of the locker room: “We gave a lot of advice out. Like, we were the ones that people would go to for advice, for matches and stuff or promos. Kevin Nash and Booker T, and Scott Steiner and Sting and myself, we were the guys that people would go to. I mean, we were the ones that had the most experience. And so we weren’t like, Hey, we’re better than everybody else, and we’re not talking to anybody else. We were good at communicating with everybody backstage. So Main Event Mafia backstage. We were just one of the other boys.”

On the logic gap in the Main Event Mafia storyline: “Yeah, because the champion always called the shots and was always right. The champion always said what would go on. It was kind of weird because we had authority figures that we should have been listening to and following, but the champion usually did whatever he wanted.”

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