Jake Roberts Critiques AEW For Not Making Lance Archer A Bigger Star

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On a recent edition of the “Good Karma Wrestling” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts questioned why Lance Archer isn’t a bigger star in AEW, despite having “everything.”

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On Lance Archer’s success: “I don’t know, they just don’t like the flavor I guess. It’s a shame because Lance has everything. I’ve helped him work on his promos he’s raised those up. I don’t know what else he needs to do but I can’t figure it out.”

On his own work in AEW: “It has meant so much to me, being gone for so long and not being able to get out there and then AEW gives me an opportunity and they’ve kept me around. They like what I do, whether in the ring or out of the ring, or helping the guys work on promos, whatever it is, I don’t mind doing it, I enjoy doing it. It’s what I should be doing. Teaching.”

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