Samoa Joe – ‘I Always Knew Roman Reigns Was Going To Be The One’

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AEW and ROH wrestler Samoa Joe recently spoke with Metro to discuss a variety of topics, including Roman Reigns’ current run in WWE, how he was able to transition from Ring of Honor to the WWE-style of wrestling when he originally signed with Vince McMahon’s company, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:


On Reigns’ current run: “Just understand that a lot of what you see today, I saw back then and knew it was inevitable… That’s the biggest thing that I can take away from Roman and being in the ring with him, I realized that, ‘Yep, this is gonna be the one.’ I knew it just took time, and him doing his thing, and then finally getting the opportunity to be something that he’s more comfortable being. And there we go!’”

On his transition to WWE when he signed there: “I had a career in front of people my entire life so that part of it wasn’t a mental issue for me. Being in front of people or making a fool of yourself in a large crowd of strangers was never a fear of mine or something that entered my head because, whatever. [laugh] For me, it was a relatively quick realisation of who I am and what I want to portray in the ring. But it can take a while for a lot of people, just through time, effort, and going through the experience of being in the industry – it’ll turn you into a character!”

On avoiding his own embarrassing moments: “Not a whole lot! I was pretty flawless and perfect coming up, it was freaky! “He never messes up!” ‘I know, I hit every time, it’s cray.’ [laughs] Nothing really embarrassing – sometimes I try to make stuff up and people are like, ‘That didn’t happen!’ You’re right! I’m too good!”

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