Eric Bischoff Remembers Pitch For WCW Condoms, Potential WWE Museum

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On the latest episode of his “Strictly Business” podcast, Eric Bischoff spoke about WWE potentially building a museum one day, a fascinating merchandise pitch he heard while in WCW, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On a potential WWE museum: “Oh, it probably will at some point. It’s just a question of priorities. What makes the most sense when. I’m sure it will happen at some point in time, it’s — like I said, it’s just a matter of when… I think Orlando’s a great area. I mean, New York City would be as well. But New York City’s really, really expensive. If you’re gonna be in a high-density kind of traffic area. I think Orlando works because it’s a destination. You know, so many people are traveling to Orlando, whether it’s Disney, MGM Studios, Universal Studios, or all the different attractions that exist in and around the Orlando area. I think having a WWE Museum and/or Hall of Fame makes the most sense in Orlando.”

On the most ridiculous merchandise pitch he’s heard he’s been pitched: “Condoms. WCW-branded condoms… It didn’t go far. I mean it may have ended up that way [wrestler-specific] had we engaged in that conversation, but I did not engage in that conversation. And it’s not because — look, you know, condoms are condoms, and it’s a consumer product, and it’s a credible, valuable product that’s out there in the marketplace. So nothing against condoms. But you have to think about, what is the advertiser that’s coming up right after the condom commercial think about having their product being associated with wrestling, number one. And, ‘Oh yeah, we’re pitching rubbers too.’ Eh, you gotta think about that. You gotta think about the universe of advertisers you’re creating for your show and make sure they all feel comfortable.”

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