Zoey Stark Reveals Who’s Been Helping Her With Her Promos

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Zoey Stark knows she needs to do better with her promos and she’s working to receive feedback from some of the veterans.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “WrestleRant” podcast, Stark commented on her desire to improve her promo skills, who has been helping her with that in recent weeks, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On her promo skills: “I personally feel like I’ve always had a hard time with promos. I always get good feedback with them, to where they say they’re really good, but I’m so hard on myself to where, every time I do a promo, I’m saying, ‘Ah, I could have done this better and do that better.’ It’s not always the healthiest thing to do, but it does make me better for the next promo. To say if there’s a favorite promo of mine so far? I don’t think so, but I know the next promo I do will be better than the last.”

On who has helped her with her promo skills: “Ryan Katz, he’s our promo teacher at the Performance Center, he has a wealth of knowledge and is amazing. It’s amazing to pick his brain. The other guy would be coach Matt Bloom. Every time I go with him to teach, he gives me different ideas and really helps me be unique from everybody else.”

On her vignette that aired on RAW: “As far as the package goes, I was working with the guys and they were allowing me to be me and put out that emotion. You still get bullet points, ‘Hey this is what we want you to talk about.’ That’s exactly what they did and you fill in some different parts.”

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