Rocky Romero Wants To See More AEW Wrestlers Work In NJPW

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In recent years, we’ve seen NJPW and AEW wrestlers cross-over to work with each other.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “AEW Unrestricted” podcast, Rocky Romero expressed his desire to see younger talent get a chance to work some of the bigger shows.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On wanting to see AEW talent come to NJPW: “I hope that we will see more AEW wrestlers, especially the younger talent, coming over to Japan and working in New Japan and getting those reps in so they can come back. Almost like in New Japan, they have a thing where they send young wrestlers, rookie wrestlers, on an excursion. I think New Japan could be a thing for that for certain talents to come over.”

On wanting to see STARDOM join in the crossover: “And also working with our sister company Stardom for the women’s division. I think that can be something really cool and vice-verse I think it could really work out for both companies.”

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