Jeff Jarrett Recalls Teaming With Owen Hart At WWE Backlash 1999

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On the latest episode of his “My World” podcast, Director Of Business Development for AEW, Jeff Jarrett recalled teaming up with the late Owen Hart.

Jarrett was Hart’s tag team partner for the latter’s final pay-per-view match, and the duo lost to The New Age Outlaws at Backlash 1999.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On teaming with Owen: “It was always a blast, but there were big, hot crowds. Brian and Billy at this time, Adam and Jay, you know whether it’s a just a tag or a three-way tag just. I mean it was stuff that you know, you can come through the curtain and say we get paid to do this and everybody works snug and tight and laid everything in and you felt it and we all worked hard. But it was, you know, those are the kind of things that really make the business fun.”

On being part of Owen’s PPV match: “Special all these years later, doesn’t it? When I look at this era, obviously the accident happened in May of 99, many of this year. So just during this so I’ll almost say from you know me and Owen got to put together earlier this year just kind of not only the fun we were having off camera but on camera and I know this episode about Road Dogg and I’ll circle back on that but man an absolute blast because our chemistry clicked the team clicked. Like I said, with Debra and how it kind of fit the Attitude Era. And then we were kind of weaving over here a little bit of the Blue Blazer story. But then at the end of the day, Jeff and Owen were really just playing Jeff and Owen on TV and it just worked. And you know April, I certainly didn’t think of 99, ‘Oh this is going to be his last tag match.’ How grateful I am today that you know, I can reflect upon April as opposed to May and just. All that, but you know. Still, it’s hard to believe in a lot of ways. I know that, AW, we have the Owen Hart Foundation and Martha and the Cup coming up and all that, and it’s really cool. You know, all these years later we get to introduce onto a whole new audience.”

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