Ronda Rousey Reveals How Becoming A Mother Changed Her

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Ronda Rousey recently spoke with PEOPLE to discuss a variety of topics, including how becoming a mother has had a major positive impact on her mental health.

In the same interview, the “Baddest Woman on the Planet” commented on her new reality show Stars on Mars, the hardest part of filming it, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On the hardest part of filming the reality show: “That was the most challenging thing, just being away from my baby. I had a really hard time being away from her, and she was only 1½ when I was gone. It’s the cutest age and everything like that.”

On undergoing ‘mom guilt’ about being away: “I was having a better and better experience, that I felt worse and worse about being away from her. And so, the mom guilt was compounding by the day, and I think that was more difficult than any part of the experience itself.”

On how motherhood has changed her: “I’m just so much happier that I’m no longer ruminating over myself all day. I’m always thinking about her and focused on her and… I don’t know. Am I more considerate? I think the best part about it is that it’s mentally made me more healthy and made me stop beating myself up so much because I’m so concerned with taking care of her.”

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