Jake Roberts Reveals The Worst Injury Of His Career

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On the latest episode of his “Snake Pit” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts reflected on the worst injury he suffered in his legendary wrestling career.

Roberts suffered a torn pectoral in a match with Andre The Giant and that happens to be the nastiest injury ‘The Snake’ has suffered to date.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his worst injury: “Tearing my left pectoral in half.”

On how it happened: “That happened with Andre. I tore it in half, and I went down. I thought I broke my shoulder and I tried to clothesline. Andre and it just didn’t work. I went down, and then he reached down and grabbed my wrist and jerked me to my feet. And when he did, I passed out. You know from the pain? When I woke up, he was singing to me. He had me in a bear hug. ‘Ohh little baby, go to sleep. Hush, little baby.’ It was scary when I woke up, man and he’s doing that, and I’m like, ‘What the f**k am I gonna do, Andre?’ No, it’s OK. Just be alright because that was an afternoon show in Philadelphia and we went to. Lovely Scrotum, Pennsylvania that night and wrestled again beautifully.”

On working with the injury: “I just did, man. Yeah, I’m not going to say I’m tough, but I can take some pain. You know, I have in the past, and I’m sure I will again. You know, pain is just…mark it out of your mind, you know, and if you can scrub that off and just keep going. The fans, of course, make that possible. So when they’re cheering you and screaming and everything, you get all that energy from them and you’re able to carry on. He sure does now.”

On never getting surgery: “I was stupid. Kind of knitted. My chest turned black almost immediately. Ohh, right here. You can put three fingers in it. There’s the hole right there.”

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