Freddie Prinze Jr. Calls WrestleMania 39 Main Event “The Worst Possible Ending”

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Former WWE writer Freddie Prinze Jr. believes that Roman Reigns’ victory over Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania 39 was definitely the wrong call.

Last weekend, Reigns retained the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship on WrestleMania: Sunday, despite many believing it was time for a title change.


Speaking on his “Wrestling With Freddie” podcast, the Scooby Doo actor explained his issues with the show’s main event. He said,

“It was a good weekend for the WWE. It just was a really bad weekend for Cody Rhodes, and for everybody that invested their time and energy in watching his story, which was billed as a Hollywood story, to come to a finale in Hollywood and supposedly have a Hollywood ending. And it was the worst possible ending a movie could have.” Prinze went on to say that he was disappointed with Rhodes making numerous promises on camera, and then going on to be unable to fulfill any of them.

“I’ve heard people [say], ‘Well, maybe they’ll do it at [Madison Square Garden], where his dad won, in a couple of months. And it’s like, you’re going to force it, and force-feed the championship? That’s what fans hate, is when [it’s] like, ‘We’ll give him the title on this date, because of this.’ No. Give him the title when the story dictates the title should be given.”

On RAW, Rhodes was attacked by Brock Lesnar and a match is expected to be announced in due time.

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