WWE SuperCard Digs Up Southpaw Regional Wrestling Expansion, Christian Vs. RKO On WWE Timeline

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WWE SuperCard Digs Up Southpaw Regional Wrestling Expansion, Christian Vs. RKO On WWE Timeline

WWE SuperCard Digs Up Southpaw Regional Wrestling Expansion

WWE is once again taking advantage of the unlikely success story that is Southpaw Regional Wrestling, adding a themed season’s worth of content to popular mobile game WWE SuperCard. The teaser trailer (embedded below) states that the creators of the game found a dusty binder containing the cards in question, all promoting a follow-up to Lethal Leap Year.


— WWE SuperCard (@WWESuperCard) August 26, 2020

This is the second video game to get Southpaw-related content, after WWE 2K20 featured a DLC campaign focused on the territory’s women’s division. Players can expect Southpaw Regional Wrestling-related cards to filter into the game at the start of the next season.

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Christian Vs. RKO On WWE Timeline

Considering that we got a brief renewal of this rivalry on WWE TV recently, the latest episode of WWE Timeline is rather appropriate. Going over the feud between Christian and Randy Orton that occurred after Edge’s retirement, the saga of One More Match gets the WWE Network treatment in spectacular fashion. In this sneak peek clip, see how Christian regained the title from Orton at Money in the Bank, as well as the aftermath of that DQ finish.