IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results – 07/18/20

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IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results – 07/18/20

impact wrestling slammiversary

IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results
July 18, 2020
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Don Callis

Open Challenge
Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

The MCMG are back and it should be quite the opener for Slammiversary. Shelley and Wentz start things off. Shelley and Wentz exchange and escape arm wrenches as the two hit a stalemate. The two slap one another before tagging their partners in.

Sabin and Dez both exchange arm and hammerlocks and the two outwit one another. Arn drag by Sabin and then a clothesline. Leapfrogs by Dez and hits a hurricanrana. Shelley grabs hold of but Dez turns it into a tag to Wentz as they work on Shelley in the corner. They then turn their focus on Sabin and a double foot stomp by Wentz gets him down for a two count.

Shelley yells at Sabin to motivate him as he escapes another in attempt. Tags in Dez who springboard sentons in. The two repeat this over and over before Wentz slugs Shelley on the apron.

Shelley soon grabs hold of Wentz and MCMG begin their double team attacks. Shelley taunts Wentz in the ring who looks in a bad way and the two trade a flurry of forearms. Wentz is still in a rough spot as Sabin and Shelley double kick him down in the middle of the ring. Two count.