The wrestling duo known as the Gunn Club, composed of Austin and Colten Gunn, have recently been noticeably absent from All Elite Wrestling (AEW) television broadcasts. This hiatus has been due to an injury sustained by Austin Gunn.
According to a report by Fightful Select, multiple sources from both WrestleCade and within AEW have verified that Austin’s injury is the primary reason for their absence from recent TV airings. The pair’s most recent match occurred during the September 12th episode of AEW Collision, where they competed in a trio’s bout.
Despite no reports or rumors suggesting that Colten Gunn is coping with an injury, these unidentified sources indicate he has received clearance to return to action this week. Currently, there’s no confirmed timeline for when fans can anticipate seeing the Gunn Club brothers back in AEW programming.
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