Michin Powerbombs Chelsea Green Through A Table Into A Dumpster On WWE SmackDown

Michin Powerbombs Chelsea Green Through A Table Into A Dumpster On WWE SmackDown
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Chelsea Green and Michin plunged themselves into a literal trash-talk on WWE SmackDown tonight. The brewing tension between them escalated to such a level that the designated battlefield was a dumpster match.

The wrestling community has been buzzing for weeks about the possibility of Green metaphorically taking out the trash in her unique style. The entire match was the textbook opposite of clean as even Piper Niven, Green’s partner’s assistance, could not save her from being referred to as ‘Hot Garbage’, especially tonight.

The gritty encounter was sure to put a smile on Duke “The Dumpster” Droese’s face, as both combatants made use of trash cans as weapons and dished out an ample load of retribution to each other. The spectacle concluded with a memorable finale when Michin delivered a powerbomb to Green through a table, landing her in the dumpster and close the lid for a well-earned victory.

Dispensing with the common saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, Chelsea Green may not find anything worth treasuring from this match apart from the admiration from the wrestling reviewers for her commendable showdown. Although the contest can’t be called a dumpster fire, it’s a segment you’d regret missing.

Take a gander at the match’s notable moment, including the plethora of jests directed at Green’s expense:

Should this match have been more of a clean fight? How could Green recover after taking such a fall? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave your comments below.