Nikki Garcia Gets Restraining Order – Here’s What Happened That Led To Artem Chigvintsev’s Arrest

Nikki Garcia Gets Restraining Order – Here’s What Happened That Led To Artem Chigvintsev’s Arrest
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Nikki Garcia, known as Nikki Bella in WWE, has taken legal action against her estranged husband, Artem Chigvintsev, by filing a restraining order. The petition was granted by the judge after Garcia provided a signed declaration recounting multiple instances of her husband displaying physical aggression towards her.

In her legal plea, Garcia articulated how Chigvintsev had frequently wrestled her to the ground, with their child witnessing the confrontations. Besides, Garcia claimed Chigvintsev’s demeanor became increasingly volatile following his dismissal from ‘Dancing with the starts,’ culminating in an explosive argument about their son’s breakfast preferences.

The heated dispute resulted in Garcia throwing their son Matteo’s shoes at Artem, leading to a call to the police. Garcia alleges Artem retreated upstairs with their son, leaving her on the ground after physically confronting her.

The restraining order prohibits Artem from approaching Garcia or their son within a 100-yard radius, unless court-ordered visits are permitted. A request by Garcia to leave the country with their son, ahead of a scheduled full hearing on October 21, was denied by the judge.

Garcia also disclosed incidences of verbal and physical abuse predating the recent event. She believes Chigvintsev requires therapeutic assistance and anger management, and seeks distance from her impending ex-husband for herself and their son.

Garcia and Chigvintsev are currently navigating divorce proceedings, which are anticipated to be contentious. Despite the circumstances, supervised visits and Facetime calls between Artem and their son have been permitted.

A representative for Nikki Garcia conveyed her decision to TMZ, emphasizing the restraining order’s necessity for securing safety for herself and her son. Garcia’s main concern is her son’s welfare. Their family is appreciative of the continuous support and requests privacy during these challenging times.