Vince Russo – ‘Vince McMahon Incriminated Himself In Netflix Doc’

Vince Russo – ‘Vince McMahon Incriminated Himself In Netflix Doc’
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Netflix’s docuseries, known as Mr. McMahon, has not only damaged the public perception of the person it’s named after, but it also possibly led to Vince McMahon self-incriminating himself.

The series, which consists of hour-long episodes, takes a deep dive into McMahon’s life, his professional journey, and the various scandals he has been linked with. The series includes discussions conducted by McMahon himself.

During a recent episode of his “BroDown” podcast, Russo commented on how McMahon seemed to have talked himself into controversy during his interactions on the show. He said,

“Yo, Vince really did himself in, man. He brought this on himself with that Netflix docu-drama. It was his own words that got him into trouble, not the people producing the show, or those who directed it, or those in charge of cutting and editing. It’s all on Vince, his own words did him in. That’s the reason why he wanted to purchase this show from Netflix even before it had a chance to be broadcast.”

The show also throws light on issues like the ring-boy scandal, the infamous Montreal Screwjob, the actions of WWE’s Chris Benoit, as well as Janel Grant’s legal action against McMahon and WWE.

The interviews from McMahon in the series took place prior to Grant’s lawsuit coming into the picture. Following his resignation from WWE in 2024, the once WWE CEO declined additional interview requests.