Jeff Hardy Is Addicted To Ice Baths, Have Helped Revitalize Wrestling Passion

Jeff Hardy Is Addicted To Ice Baths, Have Helped Revitalize Wrestling Passion
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Professional wrestler Jeff Hardy recently shared details about his newfound love for ice baths, declaring that these frigid immersions have aided him in maintaining a focused mind for his wrestling career.

In a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Hardy focused on the topic of his ongoing sobriety efforts, emphasizing the newfound clarity of thought he has achieved. He shared,

“To be clear-minded as a sober, innovative Jeff Hardy, it’s like experiencing a childlike sensation – the same feeling before I developed dependencies on substances or alcohol. Our fascination was exclusively with pro wrestling. That infatuation eventually manifested into a dream that morphed into reality for us as we became professional wrestlers. I feel like I’ve returned to those beginnings, though in a more mature form. Instead of my mind, I listen more attentively to my heart now and prevent it from deceiving me.”

Hardy attributes a large part of this mental clarity to his frequent use of ice baths, making it a routine part of his life. He expounded,

“Incredibly, the ice baths have become a lifeline. Now my addiction is to ice baths instead of alcohol or drugs and I find it invigorating.The first time I submerged myself in an ice bath, I realised there was something special about it. It was almost like achieving a different kind of high. undergoing this experience every morning has made all the difference and, it’s simply amazingwhat a clean and sober Jeff Hardy can do. The possibilities are as infinite as the universe.”

Hardy is currently wrestling for TNA Wrestling alongside his brother Matt, following their departure from AEW earlier this year.

Matt Hardy recently expressed his and his brother’s desire to culminate their professional careers as part of WWE. For more information, check out what the ‘Broken’ one had to say.

Listen to Hardy’s segment on the “Busted Open” episode here: