Vince McMahon – ‘I Have Three Computers In My Head And One Tells Me To Have Lots Of Sex’

Vince McMahon – ‘I Have Three Computers In My Head And One Tells Me To Have Lots Of Sex’
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Before stepping down from his role at WWE, the previous Chairman of WWE, Vince McMahon, participated in a sequence of interviews for a documentary series titled Mr. McMahon. This series is currently available for streaming on Netflix.

These interviews were conducted years prior, before the emergence of allegations surrounding his extramarital affair with an ex-WWE employee, Janel Grant.

In one of the episodes, McMahon was questioned about the possibility of his retirement, something he was vehemently opposed to at the moment of recording.

Moreover, the now-infamous CEO asserted that he possesses different “computers” in his mind, one of which encourages him to indulge in pleasure and sex.

Selected highlights from this episode are detailed below:

In terms of his thoughts on retirement: “Do I ever see myself retiring? No, I don’t ever see myself ever retiring. I never understood why people stop growing. When you stop growing, you die. Many people say, ‘I want to retire one day.’ What are you gonna do when you retire? I feel no compassion for people with such mentality. So … go die.”

Regarding the disparate computers in his mind: “I have … not two different brains, but like computers in my head and at times they conflict with each other. I have one computer engaging with you right now, and there’s another one burying itself in completely different thoughts. Occasionally, there’s a third one that I could access if I desired. Therefore, paying attention can be a challenge for me. It’s troubled me over the years because all I desired was to be average, to fit in. I accept it because it represents who I am. ‘Just deal with it, Vince.’ It doesn’t matter if you desire to be this way or that way. This is where you stand. You are unique. Embrace that uniqueness. You’re familiar with the saying, ‘F* the world.’ Hence, that currently reflects my state.”

Regarding what his other brain or computer is occupied with: “Something involving a great deal of pleasure and it’s related to sex.”

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