Stephanie McMahon – ‘Some Of The Things My Dad Wanted Me To Do On TV Were Weird’

Stephanie McMahon – ‘Some Of The Things My Dad Wanted Me To Do On TV Were Weird’
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The Mr. McMahon documentary series is now available for viewing on Netflix. During the series, Stephanie McMahon offers her perspective on several incidents involving the McMahon family.

In one memorable storyline discussed in the series, Stephanie plotted against her father and wed heel character Triple H in a WWE storyline.

The Billion Dollar Princess, as Stephanie is known, admitted that some of her father, Vince McMahon’s storyline suggestions for her were “unusual.”

Excerpts from the episode can be seen below:

Triple H explaining Vince McMahon’s reaction to Stephanie’s heel turn: “When we reappeared on TV following the storyline, the audience started chanting derogatory comments towards her. As the crowd showed their support for her, Vince glanced at me and gestured with his fingers. The message was clear: ‘This is profitable.’”

Vince McMahon’s reaction to the audience’s response to the plot: “I was pleased, wearing a huge grin on my face, because it indicated that the audience was engaged. Whenever the audience becomes involved, it’s a sign they’re enjoying your performance. Stephanie became a fantastic heel character. She was ready for whatever came her way. She’s always been very accommodating, asking ‘Whatever you want, dad.’ She fully understands the objectives I am trying to achieve.”

Stephanie McMahon reflecting on the humiliation she experienced in her early career at the hands of TV opponents: “In the early stages of my career, I was completely open to going along with my father’s plans. Looking back at some of the things I agreed to do, I wonder, ‘My word, did I really do all that?’ Absolutely, yes.”

Stephanie’s thoughts on if she found some of her father’s TV ideas strange: “Sure, there were times when I thought things were a bit odd, but it was a distinct era in our trade.”

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